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Cinnamon Artificial Intelligence Workshop 2021

Be ready to warm yourself with our FREE winter workshop.

[Only available for current students from EECS IGP NCTU]

Cinnamon Artificial Intelligence Workshop 2021

Date: 21 January 2021 (Thursday)

Time: (9:00-12:00) ~ (14:00-17:00)

Place: NCTU EC324

Registration link: (current student only) Workshop details:

During the workshop, you can experience the whole process of developing an MVP (minimum viable product) in an AI startup.

You will also learn the concepts which are so important to work in a startup as a great researcher or engineer with the business sense, the understanding of user values, the agile development process, anddefinitely how to build a product from 0 to 1.

We will introduce you to how to validate your product idea, what’s a typical project lifecycle, how to run SCRUM, and how to use Git Workflow. Therefore, you can learn the important and common concepts needed to work in a software startup. About developing an MVP (minimum viable product), we will use Computer Vision as an example to teach you the required knowledge and skill of deep learning. You may build a model that can apply to a real scenario that can recognize characters or graphics.

Feel free to ask any questions.