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Important Notice of NYCU Google Workspace for Education

Dear all students,

We have an important notice from Google for Google Workspace with the following storage policy.

1. Google Workspace for Education announced the storage policy that provides each university with only 100TB of pooled storage shared across all users. This policy goes into effect for existing customers in in July 2022. For NYCU users having,,, the unlimited storage policy has been extended to December 31, 2022.

2. IT Service Center will limit,, users’ storage in two stages.

  a. Phase 1:,, users are requested to reduce their used space to below 100GB by the end of September, 2022.  

  b. Phase 2:,, users are requested to reduce their used space to below 5GB by the end of November, 2022.

 IT Service Center will suspend users who fail to comply in any phase. If the suspended user does not apply for account restoration within 1 month after the suspension, the suspended account will be deleted and all data will not be able to be restored.

3. IT Service Center will announce the corresponding limitation on users in the second half of 2023.

How to check the storage used.

How to download your profile.

How to copy school Google workspace account content to an individual’s Google Account.

If you have any questions, please contact the service counter of the IT Service Center  02-2826-7000 #123、03-5712121#31888.

Best Regards,